Freedom by Triton 16"x20"

Freedom by Triton 16"x20"


Original 16”x20” pen and watercolor drawing

100% of the proceeds of this drawing will be donated directly to Sea Shepherd. Prints are also available on paper, canvas, and metal, and 20% of all print sales will also be donated. To donate directly to Sea Shepherd and to find out more about them, go to

It’s frustrating enough hearing and reading about all of the destruction and exploitation of our beautiful oceans. This incredible earth system, which is absolutely essential to all life on earth, demands respect, understanding, and most of all, protection. We are slowly making laws and passing bills, but the problem is enforcement. To this day, poaching is pervasive, illegal fishing methods are practiced daily, and ocean ecosystems are destroyed and polluted. After all, if it’s being done way out in the ocean, who’s going to stop them?

Enter Sea Shepherd. When they approached me with the idea of collaboration, I was 100% on board. Having watched documentaries like Seaspiracy and Chasing the Thunder, as well as having done my own research, I’ve been a long-time fan of this powerhouse of an organization.

Their website states that their mission is to “defend, conserve, and protect the ocean”. And that’s exactly what they do. They are in the front lines every day, getting shot at, chased, and sabotaged. And still they fight.

They fight for every whale, turtle, and endangered sea snail. They work with local government and get the gears turning. They provide free education materials and open the worlds eyes to the atrocities committed in salt waters. They pull endless nets and fishing gear from oceans worldwide, and they put themselves on the line defending marine life from those who would destroy it.

In a world that’s running out of time, and that relies on a healthy ocean to keep turning, this is the action, and these are the people, that we desperately need. This drawing of their ship Titon, which is equipped with net-finding sonar, was inspired by one of their many, many campaigns. The marine animals in this drawing are all endangered in the Mediterranean Sea, where the Triton is working relentlessly.

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